Preparation of activated charcoal with high surface area from capers plant and evaluation of its adsorption efficiency of silver and manganese dissolved in water


  • Mohammad Hasan Ahmed Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Tikrit
  • Ihab Anwer Ahmed North Refinery Company, Ministry of Oil
  • Ali Ibrahim Khalil Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Tikrit



In this research, activated charcoal was prepared from the Capparis Spinosa plant by drying the plant, grinding it, chemically activating it, and then carbonizing it with an inert atmosphere of nitrogen at temperatures ranging from 600-800ºC. The activation process was carried out by using different concentrations of phosphoric acid once, and potassium hydroxide again, with changing the temperature and carbonization time to see the effect of the reaction conditions on the surface area of ​​the resulting coal. Some tests were conducted on the prepared coal samples to find out their physical and chemical properties, and to determine the adsorption efficiency by filtration of groundwater samples of the Azzab Al-Asfal district - Kirkuk in a filter filled with the prepared charcoal to find out the adsorption rate of silver and manganese on the surface of activated charcoal particles.



How to Cite

Ahmed, M. H., Ahmed, I. A., & Khalil, A. I. (2023). Preparation of activated charcoal with high surface area from capers plant and evaluation of its adsorption efficiency of silver and manganese dissolved in water. Samarra Journal of Pure and Applied Science, 5(3), 1–20.